About us

Since 1988, FORMAT Software Service GmbH has been developing, selling and maintaining software solutions for foreign trade, customs and shipment processing. We offer our customers comprehensive knowledge, the right service for maintenance and updates, and professional consultations, seminars and training sessions.
More than 1,500 customers from a wide variety of industries use FORMAT software solutions. Our solutions range from individual products to solutions integrated into complex data processing systems. Our software solutions are continuously updated and adjusted to meet new legal requirements. Interfaces to numerous ERP/PPS/WWS systems ensure easy integration into existing data processing environments.
Experience and continuity make FORMAT Software Service GmbH an important provider of software solutions for these specialised areas.
FORMAT Software Service GmbH is a member of the Bundesverband der Zollsoftware-Hersteller [BVZH – Federal Association of Customs Software Manufacturers].
FORMAT Software Service GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 5 (Entry C)
63303 Dreieich
Phone: +49 6103 9309-0
Fax: +49 6103 9309-9999
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.formatsoftware.de
FORMAT Software Service GmbH
Southern/eastern office
Dinkelbühler Straße 18
91555 Feuchtwangen