EMCS stands for Excise Movement and Control System. It is the system for controlling the movement of goods subject to excise duty. In EMCS, the shipment of excisable goods between two economic operators is documented with the aid of the successive stages of the electronic accompanying administrative document from its issue by the shipper to the confirmation of receipt by the consignee.
The automatic checking of details in the electronic administrative document also reduces the risk of delivering to an unentitled beneficiary due to incorrect details. The EMCS procedure has been mandatory for all economic operators since 1 January 2011. Since that date, submission of the accompanying administrative document in paper form is no longer allowed.
Our certified client software provides you with a configurable and easily integrated electronic processing system for the movement of excisable goods under the excise-suspension arrangements. The exchange of information with the German customs authorities is fully automated. Messages are generated from the respective ERP system and forwarded to the responsible authority. The replies from the authority are read into the system and processed accordingly.
The software solution can be easily integrated into the respective system environment. It can, of course, also be installed as an independent stand-alone solution. It can also be useful to set up an excise warehouse in connection with the FORMAT software installation.